Basic Features
This is the first time we are making a mobile app available to all students and vendors. For those not familiar with trade show mobile apps it bascially replaces the three ring binder you have received in the past. The mobile app comes complete the following:
Overall Schedule
Personalized Schedule
List of Speakers
List of Exhibitors
Interactive Vendor Hall Map
List of Board Members
List of Member Companies
List of People Using the App
Map of the Area
Updates to Schedule
Reminders about upcoming events
Optional Lead Retrieval for all Vendors
How To Download and Use It
First things first, you will need a smart phone to use the app. The options for getting the mobile app on your phone are as follows:
App Store - On your phone go to the app store and search for WGMSC 2019. Download and your all set.
QR Codes - You can scan QR codes to get to the app and download. You can find QR codes for scanning on your phone at:
On this website
On poster boards near classrooms, main ballroom and vendor hall.
In the binder passed out at registration.
Once you have the app downloaded you will need to know how to use it.
Open It - After downloading you will be prompted to open it. You can also come back later, find the icon on your phone and open it that way.
Push Notifications - You should be prompted to allow push notifications. In order to receive all updates and announcements you will need to allow push notifications.
Create A Profile - This is not required but it is recommended if you want others to know you are at the show.
Create a Schedule - One of the best features of this app is creating your own schedule. Review the schedule and if you would like to attend make the class a favorite. All of your favorites will now show up when you click on Favorites and Notes.
Vendor Map - See the interactive map to find out where the vendors are located in the exhibit hall.
western gas measurement shortcourse natural gas western gas measurement WGMSC wgmsc